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Pago Casa Del Blanco begins a new phase.


As you can see on entering our new website, we have changed it profoundly. The reason is none other than to communicate to you our joy for what we believe is a large step forward on our journey towards achieving wines which reflect faithfully an expression of the land. We have left behind the Protected Geographical Indication: “Vinos de la Tierra de Castilla” (wines of the land of Castilla) and have moved on to from part of the select club: “Vino con Denominación de Origen Pago” (wine with Designation of Origin Pago).


During these years we have worked hard to achieve the recognition, by public administrations, of the uniqueness of our wines, and at last, after arduous processes, we have managed to become what is these days recognised as the greatest possible indicator of quality: “vino de pago”. We want to show our appreciation to everbody: clients, official administration, suppliers, distributors, and friends in general, for your support during this time. We invite you to continue sharing our passion for making every grape the best possible.

Pago Casa del Blanco
© Pago Casa del Blanco 2022. All rights reserved Miembro de AEE de EnoturismoCertificado de Calidad ISO 9001 Versión Española